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Brainspace Magazine

Brainspace is an award-winning print magazine for kids 8 to 14. It is delivered bi-monthly and is packed with science, math and great academic content. Scroll below for a video demonstration of the interactive feature. Brainspace is available digitally in...

Brainspace is an award-winning print magazine for kids 8 to...

$35.00 / year

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My Wondrous World Of Kindergarten

An interactive story told through the eyes of a child. The book answers questions that children and parents have about entering the first year of school.

An interactive story told through the eyes of a child....


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3 Back Issues

3 extra back issues or buy this as a trial before subscribing. The content is academic and current.

3 extra back issues or buy this as a trial...


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Check Out Our AR

Fascinating interactive magazine for kids 8-14. Launching young minds into big thinking.

Download the free Zappar app on your mobile device.
Try it out now on the sample pages below. Launch the app, and scan the cover and watch everything come to life!

About Brainspace

Best Magazine For Kids


Recognized by The Canadian Children’s Book Centre, and awarded Gold by Parents’ Choice Awards, Brainspace is a unique magazine that merges traditional print stories with digital assets to optimize reading enjoyment and learning by young readers.

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Bigger Thinking

Award-winning print and digital resources for kids 8 to 14. Comprehensive and fun resources.


Complete Steam Manuals


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Try Our Science Experiment

Try more fun experiments from the pages of brainspace magazine.

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Launching Young Minds
Into Big Thinking.

Read our blogs for contests, giveaways and interesting articles related to educational topics.

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No Plastics

“To make a difference, what is one simple thing we can do every day?” It’s a…



Japanese Line Multiplication Game

This fun technique originated in Japan. It involves replacing numbers with lines and grouping dots to…



Can animals predict natural disasters? 

Predicting where, when and how a natural disaster such as an earthquake or tsunami might present…


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