Birding or bird watching is fun and easy, and you can do it anywhere in Canada. Just stop, look and listen!
Take a notebook or unlined journal with you to sketch some of the birds you see, or list them after identifying them in your bird guide. Identifying birds is easiest when you have a good guide to birds.
A good bird guide groups birds by their territory and shows their distinctive markings. A pair of binoculars can take you up into the trees or the sky to get a better look at the birds and their world. They also make it easier to identify special marks and colours.
Birding, or bird-watching is fun and easy, and you can do it anywhere in Canada. Just stop, look and listen. Birds are all around us – in the city, at the beach, in forests and parks. In the spring and summer thousands of birds build nests and lay their eggs. If you are lucky, you will see some baby birds but only if you are quiet and look closely.
When you go birding, take a notebook and a pencil, a guide to birds of North America, and a pair of binoculars along with your sense of calm and focus. Birds come in all colours and sizes but often they are most easily found by their distinctive calls and songs. Remembering the song of a bird will build your knowledge and your birdwatching skills.
Chickadees are known for their deedeedee song and the common loon, found in Canada’s many lakes, have a haunting call known as a “tremelo” or yodel. See how many different birds you can find and identify this summer.