Fur, Fat and Air: Insulators Experiment

Fur, Fat and Air: Insulators Experiment

You will need:

  • margarine or shortening
  • ice water
  • plastic bag or plastic wrap (to fit a hand in)
  • balloon
  • straw
  • paper towel
  • a large container (to fit a hand in)
  • insulating materials such as cotton balls, foil, fleece, wool sock, fake fur
  1. Put enough ice water in the large container to fully immerse your finger in it.
  2. Wrap your finger in an insulating material. Dip it in! Test all of your insulating materials. Which one works best?
  3. Now test the insulating properties of air. Squeeze your finger into a deflated balloon. Squeeze a straw in next to your finger and blow air into the balloon. Dip it in! Does it feel cold?
  4. Test the insulating properties of fat. Put a thick coat of margarine or shortening around your finger. Dip it in! How does that feel in comparison?
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