It’s good for math, history, botany, and taste buds.
At Brainspace, we often film in our kitchen. We create content for families to experiment, craft and learn with. Yes, Brainspace is a mostly science-based magazine for kids. Make no mistake: cooking is science and it’s other great teachable moments too.
Many of us typify science as difficult and confusing. And being in the kitchen is generally fun. Which is why the kitchen lends itself well to helping your kids grasp basic concepts. Especially if you have a tactile, sensorial learner in your home. Seeing, touching and visualizing results of a learned concept is gratifying. Particularly for these types of kids. It builds confidence in the newly acquired knowledge. In other words, the brain can quickly make sense of it. Suddenly, the theory is practical.
Science is in the most basic everyday events of our lives. Seeing it as a teachable moment is where the fun comes in. Such as in the kitchen. In fact, these are a few of our favorite learning opportunities in the kitchen:
- Measurement: You can’t bake without measuring. Well, you can but odds are (math probability), the chemistry (science) won’t be optimal.
- History: Who first started milking cows, collecting eggs or cooking liver (yuck) to eat? Where does cocoa powder come from and who tried it first?
- Science: The obvious chemistry of yeasts, sugars, and acids are part of cooking but also, how your body processes vitamins, fats, the difference between good and empty calories and how they become fuel for our bodies.
- Botany: Grow an herb terrarium over the winter. Watch the effects of condensation and creating a botanical ecosystem. Our favorite is mustard sprouts. Tangy on salads, in sandwiches and super easy to grow.
Look For The Teachable Moments
- Did you know that starch in potatoes becomes sugar in your body? Did you also know that food starches are used to produce alcohol like beer and wine?
- Why do lettuce, celery or other greens turn yellow-ish when they lose their freshness?
These are all important and educational lessons that can take place right in your kitchen.
Don’t know the answer to all of the above?
No shame. Google it. And teach them how to verify three sources to validate the info.
Share a constant love of discovery. It’s even better when families learn together.
And as always, launch their minds into Brainspace!