Showing 1–6 of 8 results
- All
- 1 Year
- 1 Year Print Subscription (6 issues, mailed bi-monthly)
- 1 Yr Print
- 1-yr
- 2 Year
- 2 Year Print Subscription (12 issues, mailed bi-monthly)
- 2 Yr Print
- 2-yr
- 3-Back Issue
- 4 Issue Set
- a new year
- Activities for kids
- adaptation
- adaptation experiment
- aerodynamics
- AI Chatbot
- airplanes
- All Other Products
- animal adaptation
- animal hiberntion
- animals
- anxiety and kids
- apis mellifera
- April/May
- arctic fox
- art
- Art
- art and music for kids
- art for kids
- Aug/Sept
- Augmented reality
- augmented reality contest
- augmented reality for kids
- augmented reality magazine
- aztec
- baby lemon shark
- Backend Product
- Backyard Bingo
- Backyard fun
- baking
- bee bread
- bee nectar
- bee pollen
- Bingo
- Bio Bingo
- biodiversity
- biodiversity tower
- biology
- biology for kids
- bioluminescent animals
- bioluminescent creatures
- birding
- birding for kids
- birth month flower and gemstone
- black heroes
- black history month
- black men
- black women
- Blog
- Blogs
- book week
- botany
- botany for kids
- bottle rocket
- brainspace
- budgeting for kids
- cacao
- canada day
- candy cane bark
- celebrating canada
- changing education
- chemistry
- children's book day
- Children's Literacy
- children’s magazine subscriptions
- cicadas
- climate
- climate change
- cocoa
- coding for kids
- competitions
- Complete Steam Manuals
- Contests
- coprolites
- craft
- crafts
- crafts for kids
- creativity
- crytpocurrency
- culture and kids
- de-extinction
- Dec/Jan
- deep ocean
- deextinction
- design thinking
- Digital Resources
- Dinosaur
- dinosaur dung
- diy cards for kids
- diy coasters
- diy gifts for kids
- drag
- dreidl
- Earth
- earth
- earth day
- earth day activities for kids
- eating bugs
- education
- education for kids
- education magazine for kids
- education trends
- emotional health
- engineering
- engineering for kids
- English
- English Print Subscription
- entrepreneurial thinking
- environment
- experiment
- family
- famous skeletons
- father's day activities
- father's day crafts
- father's day gifts
- Feb/March
- female mathematicians
- fibonacci
- firework science
- fireworks
- food waste
- Footer Menu
- Footer Navigation
- Footer Resources
- Footer Support
- foraging
- French
- French
- french and english
- french content for kids
- French Digital
- fun facts about canada day
- fun facts for kids
- fun for kids
- fun learning
- fungi
- future-ready
- garbage
- gastric-brooding frog
- Geography
- geography
- geography for kids
- geology
- geology for kids
- ghosts
- ghouls
- gift
- glow lanterns
- gravity
- halloween for kids
- hannas suitcase
- helping our environment
- hibernation
- History
- history
- history for kids
- holiday activities for kids
- holiday crafts
- holiday crafts for kids
- holiday fun
- homemade crafts
- homeschooling
- homework
- honey
- honeybees
- hostory for kids
- hot chocolate
- hot cocoa
- hummingbird
- hummingbird flight
- illusions
- imagination
- innovation
- Inuit throat signing
- jelly fish
- Jewish
- June/July
- kid celebration
- kid recipes
- Kid's Stuff
- kids
- kids and social media
- kids crafts
- kids crafts and easy to make gifts
- kids halloween activities
- kids in the kitchen
- Kids magazine
- kids magazine subscriptions
- kids magazines
- kids math
- kids science
- kids space
- kids tech
- laughter
- laws in space
- learning
- life of a turtle
- lift
- literacy for kids
- LLM CHatbot
- Magazine for Kids with Augmented Reality
- Magazine Subscriptions
- magazine subscriptions for kids
- main menu
- marine biology
- marine science center
- Math
- math
- math for kids
- math fun for kids
- math games
- math lessons for kids
- math tricks for kids
- mathematicians
- megalodon
- mental health
- Mobile Header Menu
- monster dough
- mothers day
- mothers day activities
- mothers day crafts
- mothers day crafts for kids
- mothers day gifts for kids
- mushroom art
- nasa
- new year
- No
- No Shipping
- north pole
- ocean
- oceans
- Oct/Nov
- Ojibwe
- olympic measures
- olympics
- orange shirt day
- our planet
- Outdoor Fun
- Outer space laws
- paper
- paper airplane competition
- Paper Airplanes
- Park Bingo
- passenger pigeon
- penguin fossil
- percentages math for kids
- PI
- PI day
- planets
- plastics
- prehistoric
- prehistoric poop
- preparing kids for their future
- Print Resources
- pyrenean ibex
- Random Fascinating Stuff
- re-using leftovers
- recycle
- reduce
- reduce re-use recycle
- religion
- remembrance day
- rocks
- royal jelly
- rube goldberg
- rube goldberg machine
- save the turtles
- saving garbage
- Science
- science
- science at home
- science at home with kids
- science experiment for kids
- science experiments for kids
- science experiments or kids
- science for kids
- science magazine
- Science of taste
- sea turtles
- seasons
- sedimentation
- shark etymology
- shark week
- sharks
- simple
- simple machines
- Single Issue
- Smart Stuff
- soap
- soap making
- solar panels
- Space
- space
- space laws
- Spanish Digital
- spooky science
- spores
- spring
- spring flowers
- STEAM activities
- STEAM crafts for kids
- stem activities
- strawberries
- students
- subscription
- sugar history
- summer DIY
- summer fun
- synesthesia
- teacher appreciation week
- Tech
- technology
- technology for kids
- thrust
- treaties and principles
- turtles
- tutor
- Uncategorized
- Uncategorized
- valentine's day
- valentine's day crafts
- valentine's day gifts
- variable
- Water
- what do bees eat
- wild strawberries
- winter
- winter survival
- women in science
- wooly mammoth
- yeast
- yes ($1.50)
- zoology
- zoology for kids